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Browsing verblibm.h

EmptyTSub (lines 1242-1273)

1242  [ EmptyTSub i j k flag;
1243    if (noun == second) return L__M(##EmptyT,4);
1244    if (ObjectIsUntouchable(noun)) return;
1245    if (noun hasnt container) return L__M(##EmptyT,1,noun);
1246    if (noun hasnt open) return L__M(##EmptyT,2,noun);
1247    if (second~=d_obj)
1248    {   if (second hasnt supporter)
1249        {   if (second hasnt container) return L__M(##EmptyT,1,second);
1250            if (second hasnt open) return L__M(##EmptyT,2,second);
1251        }
1252    }
1253    i=child(noun); k = children(noun);
1254    if (i==0) return L__M(##EmptyT,3,noun);
1255    while (i~=0)
1256    {   j=sibling(i);
1257        flag = 0;
1258        if (ObjectIsUntouchable(noun)) flag = 1;
1259        if (noun hasnt container) flag = 1;
1260        if (noun hasnt open) flag = 1;
1261        if (second~=d_obj)
1262        {   if (second hasnt supporter)
1263            {   if (second hasnt container) flag = 1;
1264                if (second hasnt open) flag = 1;
1265            }
1266        }
1267        if (k-- == 0) flag = 1;
1268        if (flag) break;
1269        if (keep_silent == 0) print (name) i, ": ";
1270        <Transfer i second>;
1271        i=j;
1272    }
1273  ];

Last updated 27 February 2004. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.