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Issue L61122     [previous patch]

Conflict between 'describe' and 'initial' properties
Submitted by: Mark Tilford     Appeared in: Library 6/11 or before     Fixed in: -

This object displays its 'initial' message even though it has a 'moved' attribute; this is because of the presence of the 'describe' property, even though it returns false.

  Object  -> thing "The Thing"
    with  describe [; rfalse; ],
          initial "This shouldn't be displayed.",
    has   moved;
Solution (by Roger Firth)

The Locale( ) routine should be revised:

[ Locale descin text_without_ALSO text_with_ALSO
    o p num_objs must_print_ALSO;
    objectloop (o in descin) give o ~workflag;
    num_objs = 0;
    objectloop (o in descin)
        if (o hasnt concealed && NotSupportingThePlayer(o)) {
            #Ifndef MANUAL_PRONOUNS;
            if (o has scenery) {
                if (o has supporter && child(o)) SayWhatsOn(o);
            else {
                give o workflag; num_objs++;
                p = initial;
                if ((o has door or container) && o has open && o provides when_open) {
                    p = when_open; jump Prop_Chosen;
                if ((o has door or container) && o hasnt open && o provides when_closed) {
                    p = when_closed; jump Prop_Chosen;
                if (o has switchable && o has on && o provides when_on) {
                    p = when_on; jump Prop_Chosen;
                if (o has switchable && o hasnt on && o provides when_off) {
                    p = when_off;


                if (o.&describe && RunRoutines(o, describe)) {
                    must_print_ALSO = true;
                    give o ~workflag; num_objs--;
                if (o.p && (o hasnt moved || p ~= initial)) {
                    PrintOrRun(o, p);
                    must_print_ALSO = true;
                    give o ~workflag; num_objs--;
                    if (o has supporter && child(o)) SayWhatsOn(o);

    if (num_objs == 0) return 0;

    if (actor ~= player) give actor concealed;
    if (text_without_ALSO) {
        if (must_print_ALSO) print (string) text_with_ALSO, " ";
        else                 print (string) text_without_ALSO, " ";
    else {
        if (must_print_ALSO) L__M(##Look, 5, descin);
        else                 L__M(##Look, 6, descin);
    if (actor ~= player) give actor ~concealed;
    return num_objs;

Last updated 17 April 2013. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
Maintained as a historical archive by the Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation. Copyright 1993-2018 IFTF, CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
This page was originally managed by Roger Firth.