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Issue C63010     [previous patch]

Verbs limited to 256
Submitted by: Brian Rapp     Appeared in: Compilers long ago     Fixed in: -

Using Library 6/11 and either compiler 6.21 or 6.30, verbs greater than 256 have their definitions replaced by something wacky like the effects of "superbrief". This happens even though $MAX_VERBS is set to 500.

Solution (by Andrew Plotkin)

The compiler uses one byte in the dictionary to store the verb number (actually 255-verbnum). Glulx has room for two bytes, but neither the compiler nor the library uses the high byte. At a minimum we should fix the compiler to reject a MAX_VERBS setting higher than 255.

Last updated 17 April 2013. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
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