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Browsing Ruins.inf

Burial Shaft (lines 558-608)

558  !       The BURIAL SHAFT.
559  !
560  !       Defined in Exercise 55
561  Object  Burial_Shaft "Burial Shaft"
562    with  description
563              "In your eventual field notes, this will read:
564               ~A corbel-vaulted crypt with an impacted earthen plug as seal
565               above, and painted figures conjecturally representing the Nine
566               Lords of the Night. Dispersed bones appear to be those of one
567               elderly man and several child sacrifices, while other funerary
568               remains include jaguar paws.~ (In field notes, it is essential
569               not to give any sense of when you are scared witless.)",
570          n_to Wormcast,
571          u_to [;
572              cage.floor_open = true;
573              self.u_to = self.opened_u_to;
574              move selfobj to self;
575              print "Making a mighty warthog-leap, you butt at the earthen-plug
576                     seal above the chamber, collapsing your world in ashes and
577                     earth. Something lifeless and terribly heavy falls on top of
578                     you: you lose consciousness, and when you recover, something
579                     impossible and grotesque has happened...^";
580              ChangePlayer(selfobj);
581              give warthog ~light;
582              <<Look>>;
583              ],
584          cant_go
585              "The architects of this chamber were less than generous in
586               providing exits. Some warthog seems to have burrowed in from the
587               north, though.",
588          before [; Jump: <<Go u_obj>>; ],
589          opened_u_to [; PlayerTo(cage); rtrue; ],
590    has   light;
592  !       Defined in DM4 §5
593  Treasure -> honeycomb "ancient honeycomb"
594    with  name 'ancient' 'old' 'honey' 'honeycomb',
595          article "an",
596          initial
597              "An exquisitely preserved, ancient honeycomb rests here!",
598          description
599              "Perhaps some kind of funerary votive offering.",
600          after [;
601              Eat:
602                  "Perhaps the most expensive meal of your life. The honey tastes
603                   odd, perhaps because it was used to store the entrails of the
604                   Lord buried here, but still like honey.";
605              ],
606    has   edible;
608  ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !

Last updated 23 June 2004. This site is no longer supported; information may be out of date.
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This page was originally managed by Graham Nelson ( assisted by C Knight.