Backward Grammar of "photograph" verb (lines 974-994)
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974 Include "Grammar";
976 ! Defined in DM4 ยง6
977 [ PhotographSub;
978 if (camera notin player) "Not without the use of your camera.";
979 if (noun == player) "Best not. You haven't shaved since Mexico.";
980 if (children(player) > 1)
981 "Photography is a cumbersome business, needing the use of both
982 hands. You'll have to put everything else down.";
983 if (location == Forest) "In this rain-soaked forest, best not.";
984 if (location == thedark) "It is far too dark.";
985 if (AfterRoutines()) return;
986 print_ret "You set up the elephantine, large-format, wet-plate camera,
987 adjust the sodium lamp and make a patient exposure of ",
988 (the) noun, ".";
989 ];
991 Verb 'photograph'
992 * noun -> Photograph;
994 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !
Last updated 23 June 2004.
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